Two men talking at a truck bed


In pre-commercial, on-farm comparisons, the Brevant® seeds 2024 corn class yielded an average of +9.5 bu./A more1 than the competition while the Brevant seeds 2024 class of Enlist E3® soybeans outyielded previous generations by +2.0 bu./A2 on average.

In addition to yield potential, our product portfolio includes industry-leading silage hybrids for high-performance feed. We have the latest trait technology solutions, including Enlist E3 soybeans with the next generation of Corteva Agriscience genetics. Plus Vorceed® Enlist® corn, Qrome® products, PowerCore® Enlist® corn and SmartStax® trait technologies to protect corn plants.


Brevant Yield - Single Page

1 Multi-year on-farm, pre-commercial head-to-head comparisons, 3rd-party trials and on-farm trials within +/-3 days of RM for Brevant® brand products vs. competitors. New products advanced for 2020 (71,294 comparisons, 61.4% wins); 2021 (36,633 comparisons, 64.6% wins); 2022 (20,250 comparisons, 71.8% wins); 2023 (18,024 comparisons, 67.0% wins); and 2024 (30,037 comparisons, 66.4% wins). Multi-year and multi-location data are better predictors of future performance. Do not use these or any other data from a limited number of trials as a significant factor in product selection. Contact your local ag retailer for the latest and complete listing of traits and scores for the products provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents.

2 2021-2023 data from on-farm research locations across the U.S. Minimum 5 reps within +/- 0.1 RM. Product performance is variable and subject to any number of environmental, disease and pest pressures. Individual results may vary and from year to year. Multi-year and multi-location data are a better predictor of future performance. DO NOT USE THIS OR ANY OTHER DATA FROM A LIMITED NUMBER OF TRIALS AS A SIGNIFICANT FACTOR IN PRODUCT SELECTION.